Monday, August 10, 2020

SOME ANNIVERSARY DATES ARE PAINFUL TO REMEMBER; yet, in this case, good riddance!

       Whatever the price of such abject servitude:

         Sweet consequences never flowered blissfully,

         Nor did the saccharine of young innocence

         Grow fonder or more perfect by this tumult...

And 'he' who took his life;

Embalmed in the darkness

Of fading fantasy

And sordid grandiosity,

Forever stands at the entrance to anguish;

The dreams that haunt him shall never cease:

Retribution murmurs relentlessly...

So very, very relentlessly,

[Exactly as it should].

                                                   Poem written by L.P.-G.

              Post-script: You enablers are worse than pond scum!

Dirty Dershowitz stammers: "I Kept My Underwear On During Massage At Epstein's Mansion"... Oh ! There are surely plenty of skeletons in your closet, you depraved, aging, dirty-lying sociopath !!!!!!!!!!!

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