Saturday, August 15, 2020


You might still imagine
 Never 'falling in love' with a home,
 With "hooked on houses"
   Folly, a mere foolish tome...

Yet when evening flaunts its camouflage

Of moon-dusted, Saturnine showers,
Brilliant stars beckon road warriors
To "stay awhile" and "smell the flowers".

See those window boxes full of

Pinks, Whites and Greens?
That quaint oval window?
That tidy porch swing?
You've sampled life's rainbow,
So precious and clear; Homeward you're
Headed... to those you hold dear.

Still think that one could never

'Fall in love' with a home?
That hearts prefer transience
As sure as one roams?
That's not a right statement;
It's simply not true...
If asked if 'I' love them,
I DO!!! Yes I DO!!!

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