Tuesday, May 29, 2018


What do I think led to 
her malignant tweet?

I believe her brain circuitry went completely haywire...

Is it possible she's bipolar, as well, and her actions were a manifestation of aggressive mania?
I certainly can't rule that out at all.

None of the explanations mean that I condone such behavior. Of course, I don't. It's just that I can't shake my suspicion that something might be awry with Ms. Barr's synapses and neurotransmitters...
Image result for crazy neurotransmitters

MSNBC's 'Everyday Racism in America': A racial reckoning must happen, leaders say

Keep the proper conversations going!

Great job, MSNBC!!

EPILOGUE: As is sometimes the case, I weigh in on subject matter [via blogging] without knowing that some facts have already been established. Ms. Barr, herself, had acknowledged several YEARS ago that she does, indeed, suffer from a host of mental issues. Among them: ADHD, bipolar disorder, OCD, and autism spectrum. In the past she has also remarked about multiple personality disorder. The latter is one of the hallmarks of dissociation. Hence, I am not at all sure that she is 100% in control of her actions even though I find her tweet otherwise indefensible and just very, very sad. This appears to be a lose-lose situation. On that note, silver lining, where are you! Show yourself in some manner!!

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