Friday, August 12, 2016

No Meager 'Passion Play'

No Meager 'Passion Play'

This dance of 'political circumstance',
Deadly as nightshade, bristly as thorns;
Worn as the annals of sorrow and shame
Darkened by avarice, chastened by scorn.

                    Wooed by the rapture of raison d'ĂȘtre,     
                     One clammy handshake undoes it all;
                     Carrying the burden of haphazard chance
                     Only the lonely still spar at the hall.

   Yet, clear of forged rhetoric, drained of pale lies,
       I have not bent down to scorch at the earth;
       Nor have I drunk from the commonplace wells
       Seasoned with venomous, poisonous mirth.

       We'll see very soon who wins and who 'wars';
        No matter how 'trite' or absurd the teams lean;
       Behold autumn's forces on key judgment day
       The master-at-large drafts a dank, somber scene.
Poem written by L.P.-G. / c. August 2016


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