Friday, January 30, 2015


The latest Tweets from Brandon Vandenburg (@Vandenburg85) contain this choice tidbit: "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man". 
Psalm 118:8.

MY NOTE:  What this sad individual is doing (via his twitter communication) is commonly referred to as 'gas-lighting'. The latter is a technique employed by narcissists and sociopaths to fool you into second guessing yourself. I've been the recipient of such deceit myself and its nothing short of horrendous.

That said, this former Vanderbilt student is an addict of the "good times"... his (prior) acts thus demand both forfeiture and steep fines.

He worships at the shrine of power ... as do almost all narcissists and sociopaths...

Taking 'depravity' as his main course 
Now, he must slither down his high horse...

Don't be in denial of your past deeds, young man;
Plus, you've sharpened your OWN dirty knife 
Now awaits the sentencing phase...
(Good God, what you've done with your life !!) 

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