Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Truly, 'Satan's Spawn': Brandon Vandenburg

'Satan's Spawn': a.k.a. Brandon Vandenburg

Vandenburg (above) condescendingly shook his head and at one point even rolled his eyes as he was declared guilty...

Vandenburg's father could be heard crying out as the guilty charges were read against his son; (note how he hugs the female who spawned the evil prince of darkness pictured above). Really? I can't believe you two would wish to show your faces or even acknowledge that this piece of pure garbage is genetically related to you. Yuk! I would hate to meet the rest of your family ... you know what they say, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"!

The jury saw surveillance footage showing the young lady (i.e., the victim) being dragged to Vandenburg's dorm room. Inside the room, Vandenburg switched on porn and encouraged Batey and two others to assault the woman with a water bottle and rape her. The jury was shown graphic cell phone footage of part of the sexual attack, which the men had recorded. Vandenburg then sent some footage to friends. One of the men, Brandon Banks, allegedly anally raped the woman with the water bottle as Vandenburg yelled, 'squeeze that s***', the video showed. Batey then urinated on her.' It wasn't just about sexual gratification and fun, it was about degrading her, humiliating her,' Deputy District Attorney Tom Thurman said in his closing arguments on Tuesday.

"The woman was then thrown in the hall  like a piece of trash by the man she trusted and dated, Brandon Vandenburg", Thurman said. "She's not a piece of trash" , he continued. 'She's a victim. Not an alleged victim. A victim. A victim that had the courage to take that stand and face her attackers. A victim that had the courage to come in here and fight for justice.'

A jury in Nashville, Tennessee found Brandon Vandenburg, 21, and Cory Batey, who turned 21 on Tuesday, guilty of aggravated rape and aggravated sexual battery.

Devil: [noun]: A perversely bad, cruel, or wicked person.

Devil parents: not entirely free of blame.

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