Thursday, February 14, 2013

VALENTINE, UNDEFINED … [imperfect, invincible]

This oddly wrought thing

Considered “heart”:

i.e., the human heart.

Obtuse in love,

Its true angles

Juxtaposed towards

Four warmly-lit chambers.

Placid leaflets

Beat with velvet cadence,

Pouring forth particles

Burned of former days.

Yet, it takes up so little
Room, perched within
This chitinous cage,
The prongs of which
Knowingly exhale, now and then.

And there are no flawlessly

Drawn curves, nor perfectly

Poised cut-outs, a propos

The ‘real thing’.

Still, the feel of it

At certain times,

Is enough to spin kindly

Smiles upon the silent

Sands of time…

This odd-shaped thing
We call our heart,

Summons blank verse
Only to add its own

Emblem, etched by tides
Of grief and joy:

It surprises us
Into tears when
We very least expect it.

(and that is why I’ve saved the key)...
  Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point...

Copyright 2-14-2013 Lisa Porter-Grenn

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