Monday, July 27, 2015


The Simmering Soul

of a Dog Day Summer 

Upon my return...
Soaked in the salvaged balm
Of Dog Day'd summer succor;
Fruit  from the nectar of mere mortals
Withers 'neath the breeze
Of fragrant almond trees.

Petals, scarred-over and
Sacrificed, reap their penance;
Propitiation dies so leisurely
As July smiles in utter silence.

Soon, one spies an arid landscape
Imprisoned in the dried-out parchment
Of daylight's last stammer.

But cicadas still evolve;
And newly minted cocoons
In faraway places,
Take up a rhythm
To their own liking.

Yet, what is it about these summered days
That buoys up faint fortitude
Into enviable remnants  of honored homage?

The scorched barbed wire
Of tendered earthly labors,
Languidly melts away balmy nights
That are (still) far too short!

But do you not
Hear it?
The scent of  summer
Is mouthing  gentle platitudes
Newly worn and weary...

Somewhere, latitude and longitude
Reverse themselves:
Making ready plans
For a future escape.
Thus, when such time arrives,
(As it always does)
Count me among the mourning throngs.

And when I return,
Once more,
To the exhilarating premise
Of May-day nasturtiums
Grown swiftly from seed,
Sprinkle a bit of fairy dust
Among nature's unguent;
My time is getting shorter.

Poem written by L.P.-Grenn
copyright 2015

Monday, June 29, 2015

Te Deum, I sing..."It Was 7+ Wonderful Series!"

The visual metaphors of elevators and doors rife within this AMC series were never lost on me; they represented not only life's inevitable ups and downs, but the promise of second chances (as well as the nascent potential so very implicit to the central precept of "chance" itself).


"When a man walks into a room, he brings his whole life with him. He has a million reasons for being anywhere, just ask him. If you listen, he'll tell you how he got there. How he forgot where he was going, and that he woke up. If you listen, he'll tell you about the time he thought he was an angel or dreamt of being perfect. And then he'll smile with wisdom, content that he realized the world isn't perfect. We are flawed, because we want so much more. We're ruined, because we get these things, and wish for what we had".

Yes, simply astonish ourselves!

Thank you to the show's creator and occasional director/writer, Matt Weiner, for his efforts in making it all happen. I also echo the sentiments of many when expressing how much I will miss this series...(sigh).

In closing, I've chosen the one song that sort of wraps up the collective sentiment of the many fans who bid adieu while taking in the very last installment of MadMen over a month ago...

P.S. Why do those annoying ads have to constantly pre-empt songs????

Wednesday, June 24, 2015







MOM and DAD...
Lara, J.J., Jim, Richard and Robbie

REMEMBER: With age comes wisdom!
and many happy returns...

(time will surely tell, trust me!)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


A June Night - Poem by Emma Lazarus

Ten o'clock: the broken moon
Hangs not yet a half hour high,
Yellow as a shield of brass,
In the dewy air of June,
Poised between the vaulted sky
And the ocean's liquid glass.

Earth lies in the shadow still;
Low black bushes, trees, and lawn
Night's ambrosial dews absorb;
Through the foliage creeps a thrill,
Whispering of yon spectral dawn
And the hidden climbing orb.

Higher, higher, gathering light,
Veiling with a golden gauze
All the trembling atmosphere,
See, the ray-less disk grows white!
Hark, the glittering billows pause!

Faint, far sounds possess the ear.
Elves on such a night as this
Spin their rings upon the grass;
On the beach the water-fay
Greets her lover with a kiss;
Through the air swift spirits pass,

 Laugh, caress, and float away.

Shut thy lids and thou shalt see
Angel faces wreathed with light,
Mystic forms long vanished hence.
Ah, too fine, too rare, they be
For the grosser mortal sight,
And they foil our waking sense.

Yet we feel them floating near,
Know that we are not alone,
Though our open eyes behold
Nothing save the moon's bright sphere,
In the vacant heavens shown,
And the ocean's path of gold. 

June Nights -

Poem by Victor Marie Hugo


In summer, when day has fled,
The plain covered with flowers, pours out
From far away, an intoxicating scent;
Eyes shut, ears half open to noises,
We only half sleep in a transparent slumber.

The stars are purer, the shade seems pleasanter;
A hazy half-day colours the eternal dome;
And the sweet pale dawn awaiting her hour
Seems to wander all night at the bottom of the sky.