Monday, June 29, 2015

Te Deum, I sing..."It Was 7+ Wonderful Series!"

The visual metaphors of elevators and doors rife within this AMC series were never lost on me; they represented not only life's inevitable ups and downs, but the promise of second chances (as well as the nascent potential so very implicit to the central precept of "chance" itself).


"When a man walks into a room, he brings his whole life with him. He has a million reasons for being anywhere, just ask him. If you listen, he'll tell you how he got there. How he forgot where he was going, and that he woke up. If you listen, he'll tell you about the time he thought he was an angel or dreamt of being perfect. And then he'll smile with wisdom, content that he realized the world isn't perfect. We are flawed, because we want so much more. We're ruined, because we get these things, and wish for what we had".

Yes, simply astonish ourselves!

Thank you to the show's creator and occasional director/writer, Matt Weiner, for his efforts in making it all happen. I also echo the sentiments of many when expressing how much I will miss this series...(sigh).

In closing, I've chosen the one song that sort of wraps up the collective sentiment of the many fans who bid adieu while taking in the very last installment of MadMen over a month ago...

P.S. Why do those annoying ads have to constantly pre-empt songs????

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