Saturday, February 15, 2025


            Ruled by the number 6, with a combined influence of Venus and Uranus


Those born on this mid-winter day of 2-15 share their 'birth anniversary' with renowned notables such as Cyrus McCormick, Jane Seymour, Galileo Galilei, Matt Groening, and Susan B. Anthony. What's more, did you know that February 15th individuals find it perfectly natural and commonplace to regularly think "creatively"? In addition, they are usually less threatened [i.e., than most other people are] when faced with complex challenges, intricate problems, and/or thorny predicaments.


Furthermore, it's a long and well-recognized fact: February 15th folks are very intellectually curious and repetitively whet their innate analytical talents. Yes, I'll second that!! They are 'high empaths', as well, and thus feel another's pain more intensely than [does] the average person. These individuals also adore the unfettered delight of roaming free, thinking as they wish, investigating natural history, and allowing their fertile minds to explore ALL of the assorted wonders of the world in which they find themselves...[AMEN TO THAT, too] !

And, yes, I know the above details are 'spot on' because I'm blessed to be a member of the 2-15 tribe...

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