Tuesday, October 1, 2024

UH-OH: THEY'RE Baaaaack !!


As fall descends and

Leaves turn golden,

Macbeth's 3 witches grow



We can hear them slyly scoff:

"Time to craft a deadly broth!

 One that sends chills up the spine;

  Let's prepare some toxic brine" !!


[ADD to cauldron]:

Items found in garbage dumps;

Lies sprung from the lips of Trump;

Tropes 'bout Haitians,

Pink Dalmatians,

Trinkets from a bad vacation.

[ Then, stir in ]:

Autumn leaves attacked by mold;

Grubs and web-worms, big and bold;

Tail of skunk, wayward vines;

 Tons of awful MAGA signs...

It's almost ready;

Yet, (we think)

It needs more 'oomph'

To really STINK

[ Thus, ADD to mixture]:

P. Diddy's pants and picnic ants;

 Beard debris from J.D. Vance...

Crazy Yarvin, Peter Thiel;

Worm-infested wagon wheel;

Global warning, freak-deniers;

Broken, rusty metal pliers...

Now blend real well,

(Until it swells);

Then, crank the heat up

Way past hell!

OH! Bubble, bubble, election-trouble;

Will 'The Madman' score a double ?

text/poem written by L.P.-G. / 10-2024

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