Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Channeling Lewis Carroll, (perhaps ??)



  A pocket full of wry...

               -written by L.P.-G.

Wasps cannot

Craft noble jelly;

Pigs never graze

 Temperate skies...

Neither have I

Seen a cow

Shoot the moon,

But nursery rhymes

Still warm

  My eyes...

The butcher

(With baker),

And candlestick maker,

Had set out to prove

Tubs were sound:

Their luck faltered early,

They entered gates,'pearly';

'Tis rather a pity

They drowned!

Those three

Little kitties

Toured multiple cities

Before gulping down

Minced-mouse pie;

Three piglets, quite plump,

Gave 'wolfie' the dump;

 That bad boy waved houses


And gander (with gosling)

Enjoyed a good Riesling:

One that's

  Remarkably dry...

Yet, cats

Cannot strum

On a fiddle;

And Humpty's great

Fall was a bore;

The dish and the spoon

Staged their shoot-out

At noon;


Mother Goose is the

Gal we adore !!

poem by L.P.-G.

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