Thursday, December 7, 2023


              By Way of a Political Debate: What might their take-away points be?


John Locke:

·       No man is a divine king; hence, no man [even as president] should claim divine rights

·       Human nature 'allows' man to be selfish at times; this must be tempered for the good of society as a whole

·       Men join societies to preserve their liberty

Thomas Hobbes:


·       All men are created equally egotistical

·       Man's state of nature is a constant state of war

·       Where there is no 'common power' there is no law

Jean-Jacques Rousseau:

·       "Strength in numbers" only works  if there is no chaos

·       Individuals will only work together, collectively, when there is some incentive for them to do so

·       Man will willingly give up some of his freedoms to become part of a society in which he wishes to belong

Yet, I'm sure that ALL THREE OF THEM would agree to this: Vivek Ramaswamy is an a**h**e !!

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