Tuesday, December 12, 2023



They DO not need to sparkle,

Or make an awesome sound;

The Xmas gifts that MOST delight

Are those I deem 'profound'.

They come from hugging loved ones,

And children's winsome smiles;

They draw from sacred memories

Traversing hallowed miles.

There's magic when a carol's sung,

Sweet mystery within hymns;

There's harmony when snowflakes fall

And dust our window trim.

Although I treasure festive lights

And candles burnt down low,

It's cherished, joyful holidays

That bring the greatest glow !!

poem by L.P.-G. /12-2023

Thursday, December 7, 2023


              By Way of a Political Debate: What might their take-away points be?


John Locke:

·       No man is a divine king; hence, no man [even as president] should claim divine rights

·       Human nature 'allows' man to be selfish at times; this must be tempered for the good of society as a whole

·       Men join societies to preserve their liberty

Thomas Hobbes:


·       All men are created equally egotistical

·       Man's state of nature is a constant state of war

·       Where there is no 'common power' there is no law

Jean-Jacques Rousseau:

·       "Strength in numbers" only works  if there is no chaos

·       Individuals will only work together, collectively, when there is some incentive for them to do so

·       Man will willingly give up some of his freedoms to become part of a society in which he wishes to belong

Yet, I'm sure that ALL THREE OF THEM would agree to this: Vivek Ramaswamy is an a**h**e !!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023



A milestone looms


We trust that all is fine;

Celebrations commenced

This very night:

Last day to be 29 !!!!


MOM, DAD, J.J., Lara, Jim, Jude, John,

Kelly, Richard, Kaitlyn, Ryan, Alison, and Hannah

Monday, December 4, 2023


Our Lord's capricious


In making 'The Fly'

Is NOT the only


I'd demand...

There's this annual

Occurrence that ties me

In knots; a matter

I don't understand...

How does it happen

( Just 11-12 months prior )

When Xmas lights are

Carefully stored;

Upon plugging them in,

The very next year,

Their brightness is sadly


The strings look intact

But - OH! - how they fool;

Is this a cruel joke

By some wire?

Perhaps I unwittingly

Select nascent 'lemons'

And ruin future

Xmas attire !!

THIS year will be different,

I firmly declare:

Their packing will get TLC;

'Temperature control'

Likely needs more attention

RE: post-season '23 !!!

poem by L.P.-G. / c. 2023