Saturday, June 10, 2023

On June 10th, I pen:

                                  AN  ODE  TO  JUNE                                                                         

For-ever June !

Is the "just perfect "

Tune: one scored

For a heart never sold.

An easy breeze, teasing;

Its rains, silky sweet;

  Its fireflies, dazzling and bold... 


July sails to second place;

August comes close;

[Yet, as for those

OTHER months,

What might THEY boast?]


April betrays us,

And, frequently so;

Feb' summons red-hearts

Plus buckets of snow!

May 'tries' to please us,

(As does September);

January's somber,

 Even worse than November!

March is too windy;

December's too cold;

October, too rainy

 (Though, sometimes, 'pure gold').

I'm sticking with JUNE

As my most favorite tune;

An aria!  An opera!


poem by L.P.-G. / June 2023

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