Tuesday, August 16, 2022



...has most unfairly hurt Liz Cheney but most forms of fascism proceed in this particular way. That is to say, by singling out the 'enemy' and subsequently demonizing him/her to the maximum, select troops can be effectively galvanized for battle. Moreover, those very troops were in plain sight on 1-6-2021. Misguided faith, fervor, religiosity, and religious practice continue to stand at the ready. Most ironically, it's the defense of the Big Lie which is what's truly sinful !  Theocracy is not the answer, either, since it shares multiple threads with fascism.

And just "who" vociferously supports The Big Lie? Well, they tend toward being uncompromisingly capitalist, brutally mercantile, cynically consumerist, producers of false values, and without true virtue. Likewise, those who support this malicious lie are bullies toward the weak and weak toward oppressors; they are cunningly Machiavellian, spellbound by money, and captivated by profit at all costs. They kiss the ring and prostrate themselves in the hope that great power will find its way to their OWN doorstep one day.

Unfortunately, you cannot extinguish man's quintessential drive toward manipulating the feckless masses so that he, himself, may attain great power and wealth. A malignant narcissist should never have had access to the Oval office. We will pay the price for decades to come...

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