Tuesday, March 1, 2022

It was a phrase my mother cited...



" [If] in like a lion, out like a lamb"

However, she always added the following:  "But if it comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion...and that means a very bad storm"!

We are still in the grip of winter via the date of March 1st ... yet,  a "lion in winter" does not have to be an unequivocally negative prophecy

{As an aside, 'The Lion in Winter' was a 1960s movie about love and hate as well as politics, vengeance, greed and ambition. "It other words, it's about life".}

Tonight, our president proved himself a 'Lion in Winter' simply by his courage and strong words...

I am proud to call him president


On the other hand, there's the impotent Putin wreaking havoc in eastern Europe...and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds is sure one strange, old bird too !!!

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