Friday, December 31, 2021

2022: PENNING AN ODE TO A NEW YEAR ( A year of three 2s)


2020 was 'HELL',

So we braced ourselves well,

For a "Covid-cure",

Mid  '21...

But when that never happened,

Our brains looked to caption

Whatever seemed buoyant and fun...

Yet the past year  saw sickness

And shootings and riots;

('21 was no better than '20)...

When the ball descends

Times Square,

Just past midnight

(By one hair!),

It had better bring

Fortune, and plenty...

'22 will begin with

"The Mightiest Drop",

Kerplop! goes that ball:

Oh, Kerplop!!

Three 2s mark its "full name",

[ Perhaps that spells "good fame"],

But will luck put us back


poem by L.P.-G. / 12/2021


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