Thursday, November 7, 2019

She's a Member of Mensa Society...

And this is what SHE had to say
about a certain somebody!

"... Let’s take a look at Trump. Was he a child prodigy in any area? Last I checked, narcissism wouldn’t be included. In fact, Trump’s grades were pretty much average...
    Biographer, Gwenda Blair, wrote in 2001 that Trump was admitted to Wharton on a special favor from a “friendly” admissions officer. The officer had known Trump’s older brother, Freddy. People with IQ’s of over 200 are not admitted to any college 'as a favor' for someone... 
They are sought out by colleges

and universities around the world!

In fact, to the contrary of people with high IQ’s, Trump does not read. He has information and the news read to him, or presented in some sort of audio manner. Plus look at his vocabulary… it’s around a third-grade level".
No, Trump is nowhere near the 203 he boasts about, and I don’t believe he even cracks 100. But hey, just like his tax returns, he’ll never show us any documents to support his supposed 'massive IQ' ".

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