Sunday, September 23, 2018



ANS: The socially adept, chess-loving sociopath strictly plays to win: in a court of law, no less.

The sociopath's socially adept cleverness also comes with this caveat. Since they regard life as ONE BIG CHESS GAME, others are mere objects to be used, manipulated, and disposed of. You see, sociopaths don't feel sympathy, empathy or guilt. Hence, one little move in the wrong direction puts them dangerously close to anti-social criminal behavior and other malicious acts (e.g., sexual assault and denial thereof).

Ostentatious lying is one of the telling traits of being a sociopath, as well. Moreover, due to the fact that the majority of the population have brains wired differently from the sociopath, ordinary people struggle to understand the motivation that sociopaths have for repeatedly lying. In the same way that normal people see no good reason to lie, sociopaths simply see no reason to tell the truth. "Their web of lies can become so massive that they seem inconceivable to normal adults. Yet if 'empaths' fail to recognize such egregiousness, it strongly predisposes them to getting hoodwinked by the sociopaths' lies. All too often, honest folk end up (i.e., erroneously) projecting normal brain function and behavior onto people who are neurologically wired altogether differently."
In sum, the reason that sociopaths lack genuine contrition, shame and guilt can definitively be traced to their brains. The normal synaptic connections to the areas of the brain that deal with the aforesaid emotions, as well as the center in the brain that helps individuals recognize their mistakes and learn from their misdeeds, both appear to be dysfunctional and/or impaired in sociopaths. 

On that note, 'God help us all' next week vis-à-vis the senate hearings!!

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