Tuesday, May 29, 2018


What do I think led to 
her malignant tweet?

I believe her brain circuitry went completely haywire...

Is it possible she's bipolar, as well, and her actions were a manifestation of aggressive mania?
I certainly can't rule that out at all.

None of the explanations mean that I condone such behavior. Of course, I don't. It's just that I can't shake my suspicion that something might be awry with Ms. Barr's synapses and neurotransmitters...
Image result for crazy neurotransmitters

MSNBC's 'Everyday Racism in America': A racial reckoning must happen, leaders say

Keep the proper conversations going!

Great job, MSNBC!!

EPILOGUE: As is sometimes the case, I weigh in on subject matter [via blogging] without knowing that some facts have already been established. Ms. Barr, herself, had acknowledged several YEARS ago that she does, indeed, suffer from a host of mental issues. Among them: ADHD, bipolar disorder, OCD, and autism spectrum. In the past she has also remarked about multiple personality disorder. The latter is one of the hallmarks of dissociation. Hence, I am not at all sure that she is 100% in control of her actions even though I find her tweet otherwise indefensible and just very, very sad. This appears to be a lose-lose situation. On that note, silver lining, where are you! Show yourself in some manner!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May 1, 2018

MAY DAY ...oh, lovely MAY DAY

Oh, this joyous month of May!
As we end the 'number one' day;

Robins dream in pleasing shades,
'Morrow's doves are mournful-made.
Does your soul not leap and sing?

As you gaze upon this spring?
Greens are here and there, once more.
Paradise has cracked her door!

                                                                  written by LPG

P.S. Happy Birthday Dad ... in the world beyond this one. (You would have been 89 today).