Saturday, March 14, 2015

Idus Martiae: with the Vernal Equinox to follow shortly...


"The pope cited the case of a woman he met who was  pregnant with her eighth child after already [having had] seven Cesarean* sections. 'That is an irresponsibility!' , he said. The woman might argue that she should trust in God. 'But God gives you methods to be responsible', he added".


REMEMBER:  'a' before 'e'... especially after THIS 


· The classical Caesarean section involves a midline longitudinal incision which allows for a larger opening to deliver the baby. However, it is rarely performed today, as it is more prone to complications.

·         The lower uterine segment section is the procedure most commonly used today; it involves a transverse cut just above the edge of the bladder and results in less blood loss and is also easier to repair.

Caesarean births from the archives of antiquity...

But this procedure is not without
its occasional complications...

A  Septic, Gangrenous, Wound...
(is) worse  than the Ides of March !!!

the Alleged birth of Julius Caesar was by
Caesarean section

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