Wednesday, December 24, 2014


'Twas the day before Christmas
and all through our house,
Computers were humming
(A noise hard to douse)...

Yet, we paused (and reflected)
on how blessed this year's been:
Times simply grew better,
compared to 'back when'.

Though, there's still gentle tugging
at both of our heartstrings...
Like angels' wings sprouting
when hearing fine bells ring. 

We pondered this mystery,
For what is was worth:
[Were we simply discounting
a legendary birth?]

Then it came to us both,
and we knew why we wondered:
Why some 'spirit' had dampened;
certain 'joy' tossed asunder.

Our kids were now grown,
way past sugarplum folly;
There'd be no more toy drums,
nor lacy-dressed dollies.

No fighting about "who"
gets to place the tree's top-star;
Nor competing over which boy
was nature's next rock-star.

But all is not lost,
'cause we gained our cute Jimmy,
Who croons X-mas tunes

while perfecting his shimmy !!! 

Jimmy's X-mas Shimmy

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