Thursday, August 14, 2014




1   1.     kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.


No one would have ever characterized the late Robin Williams as an ascetic. Quite the contrary, he was the essence of exuberance and manic enthusiasm, manifested as "boundless energy", among other things. Yet, it is very clear that his comic gifts were bestowed 'by the powers that be' as a mystifying double-edged sword. For whatever reason, his ability to make others laugh also came with the capacity to feel other people's pain...perhaps too much so. Now if the human brain were simple enough for us to actually understand it, we'd be so simple [that] we couldn't. What a conundrum! The dopamine tide that also governs both depression and addiction appears to render some kind folks, those with intrinsic hearts of gold, into tortured souls. Then there's the little understood phenomenon of ADHD and severe OCD not naturally cancelling each other out [when one inherits both] but occasionally culminating into a situation of uncontrollable verbiage and gestures.

I truly admire the wisdom of psychiatrists and psychologists pursuant to their clarification of brain chemistry, especially in the wake of Williams' sudden parting. The neurotransmitter dopamine is increasingly cited as much more than a bit player in the genesis of addiction. Perhaps this is knowledge that might be imparted as early on in grade school as is feasibly acceptable. After all, a deep acceptance of our natural conditions only makes sense. Knowledge, as the saying goes, is power.

Dopamine, at its finest, gives us a sense of significance and wholeness. However, too much [of this mood enhancer] and an individual may segue into agitation, restlessness, and full blown hyper-mania. On the other hand, with too little of this key neurotransmitter, the unlucky recipient will experience feelings of depression/misery, inertia, and all sorts of cravings; the latter are an evolutionary brain response to stave the inner emptiness that threatens  to behave much as a bell jar (think Sylvia Plath). It's just that evolution can't do much to prevent so-called 'mis-firings'.

The cells that produce dopamine occur along three distinct "riverbeds" of the brain. That said, they are prone to periodic flashfloods, if you will, that may result in behavior considered [by many] to be at the outer margins of the proverbial bell curve.

While few of us ever experience the extreme behavioral symptoms that led Robin Williams to end his life, it's fair to say that anomalous behavior is difficult to explain. It does appear that our subconscious thoughts are stronger than we might suppose; furthermore, our actions may also be influenced by chemically mediated synapses that transpired only milliseconds before by our completely UNCONSCIOUS emotional system. In other words, we are truly at the mercy of our unconscious triggers. 

Nature may still be trying to perfect the inner workings of our evolutionary brain; in the past, a very trigger-happy limbic system was a key to survival. Now, the traffic between the cerebral cortex and the limbic system may need to be adjusted, as a key to our survival in a totally different sense.

We, as humans, sometimes have a tendency to describe 'being well' entirely in terms of NOT being 'unwell'. This is partly due to the fact that our emotional roots are, for the most part, fully unconscious.

Embracing the limitless self is, generally-speaking, a noble goal; unfortunately, some do it through the use of mood- or mind-altering drugs or simple alcohol. Even more regrettably, the sense of freedom that alcohol or mind-altering drugs may impart is only temporary. Hence, one who abuses such folly is not free at all; they're actually trapped in a vicious cycle.

Still, an increase in our awareness fosters the ability to change the nature of our unconscious pattern of behavior.

Remember, if you should ever fall, look for a great set of wings; moreover, you simply can't be in continual retreat from this earthly world. And he who has the beauty of a beloved friend can never forget it: especially when the sophistry of dopamine's ebb threatens to catapult one into the rabbit-hole of menacing solipsism!


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