Sunday, July 28, 2013

Past the Stretches of Lavender Silk and Thistle Milk

Past the Stretches of Lavender Silk and Thistle Milk

By Lisa Porter-Grenn

Caught by the sweet stretch of yellowing summer that beckons
Motionlessly under the burden of half-spent ice-cream dreams
And long tepid pools of watermelon sugar,
Stand the slowly softening sidewalk rinds hiding deep secrets
That haven't yet been opened.
This summer scene spins delectably throughout the eons of time:
From powdery chalk lines to tousled jump-ropes
To lethal metal jacks amid a game of cat’s-eye marbles.

There are rules, and rules get broken
Much like the windows opened wide
To catch the freshness that floats away
Into remote corners of the world
Only to find that painted casements promise comfort
And the flimsy window screen, a measure of security
Before the rains begin.

Yet, it is the swarming ant hills
That amuse me the most;
And I imagine their deep abyss where drones carry on
Solely for the brittle queen within her nest of paper jelly:
A fuzzy dowager calling out quick shots to
Her cheerless rank of pithy eunuchs who fetch
Her Royal Highness scores of milk and honey.
Do they gather how amazed we all are
By their tidy industry and immense sense of duty?
Probably not, for their brains are
Too tiny to think beyond the
Ordinary drudgery demanded of
Such rank and file creatures
Inhabiting the sands below time;
These busy denizens of the gravel pits!

The smell of lilies and lavender meld
Softly with thistle-milk and cut grass,
So is the summer wind before me.

A mourning dove with license moans
In tones that speaks of dewdrops and early
Evening fog in a throat made low by cloud cover.
Trumpeting toads eternally chant and dance by the
Edge of the fountain, its water-spray
Lightening the burdens collected through
Hours spent in weighty recovery. Yet, the seriousness
Of the soaring noon-time temperature appears lost
On most everyone, as they toy with sycamore leaves
Left in winsome piles collected by the sunlight
around us. The scent of autumn is heavy... And you,
You wonder why I pore over the days’ events
Like a sojourner with road map in hand.
The answer comes easy (you see), for there
Are still secrets that flee from the beam
Of empirical evidence…
 And that’s all right by me. 

Poem written by Lisa Porter-Grenn
Copyright 2013


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