Thursday, May 23, 2013


                    DEFINE ‘AWKWARD’ ANYWAY?

 I.e., Wasn’t that a very looooooong ride?

How many times, with tin-buttons ‘just pressed’,
We enter this vault, so completely un-dressed;
We stand, then descend; exhaling out fate:
Detaching our cares, our dislikes, and our hates…
Echoed by brass; warmed by fanciful grates.

Then, by intentional gazes we caught,
Avert our own eyes, crossing blank items off;
Forsaking all mercy, all logic, all sense;
The elevator sways with a stern recompense.

One’s image hence bends
In this odd, stark relief
Distorted by fury… applied by gold leaf;
As phantom bells softly tick three levels off,
As newcomers enter and children part coughs,
The elevator shudders, then shyly sings soft.

We hurl out of daydreams,
As never before; this ride grows much faster
Through tightly sealed doors;
We ponder those folks-
   Who’ve been newly dropped off . . .
(The elevator groans and starts pacing aloft).

Ten-floors below: what DO their hearts hold?
Imaginary lives, a performance unfolds;
Yet, tiring lassitude and shadowy clashes
Still muster faint praise for the idols and masses.

Yes, how many times, with tin buttons ‘just pressed’
We enter life’s vault under terms of duress?
Caught in the maelstrom of ‘been there before’
Provisional lessons court
“Permanent doors”.

Yet, multitudes yearn for faint folly, not reason;
Secrets lay barren, but NEVER in season;
All of this motion just taken in stride:

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