Just a random array of thoughts, opinions, and the occasional whimsical (or not quite so whimsical!) rambling...
The groundhog's
Now behind us,
But winter still
Can chill!
'Feb. 5th'
Will round the corner,
With greetings yet
To spill:
Happy Birthday,
Dear Richard;
Your journey's
Been wild...
We send our best wishes
Oh, second-born child !!!
Drs. Richard and Kaitlyn
... On 2-1-2017, we landed at Reagan National Airport. It was a cold, sunny afternoon; our second grandchild [John] was just 2 days old and we couldn't wait to meet him! The very next day we joyously celebrated his arrival at one of the quaintly charming restaurants in the D.C. area. Those were such beautiful times. [ Little could I have imagined what tragedy would befall the Potomac River nearly 8 years later].
Baby John; just minutes old: 1-30-2017
always joked that John was born with the map of Ireland imprinted on his face! That
is to say, in appearance, our grandson has always undeniably favored the Irish ancestry
on his father's side (including both paternal grandparents) as well as that of
his maternal grandmother (i.e., 'me') !
now the birthday boy is 8; he is blessed by a great family, a winning smile,
and brains to boot!!
We love you dearly, and hope there are many more
birthdays to come...(we just need to keep the natural disasters and tragedies
far from your home in Arlington)...
Oh my! How time does fly !!
Ice amply coats
My thin window panes,
From outside the walls
Encrusted white squares,
Beguile with a stare;
A few of them cracking
Cold grins!
I love older homes
[When the weather behaves]
But not on days mercury quivers...
My last heating bill,
The 'Peter Principle', and expect it to manifest itself in the next 4 years...
It would also
help explain why so many individuals who display abrasiveness, thoughtlessness,
and interpersonal ineptitude rise to positions of power in numerous
organizations, including our own
government (e.g., cabinet positions, current presidency, etc.)