Monday, July 15, 2024

Oh, Oh, Oh! IT'S MAGIC ?



[A potent pastime for many]

Just toss them an amulet;

 Or, pitch them a penny...

A 'most lucky one'

(Pretty please);

Yet, here lies the query:

Are some things

NOT coincidence?

   But of 'THIS' I stay leery !!


"Magical thinking ithe belief that unrelated events

are causally connected, often due to supernatural forces" ...


Regrettably, one principal truism definitely bears emphasizing in light of recent events, as well: Those who were bullied may, in the future, single out an individual they perceive as exhibiting  pugilistic traits they would like to see annihilated.  Hence, do you risk allowing a gun to be placed in the hands of the one who suffered severe bullying? Amnesia regarding  the past behavior of flagrant bullies is not helpful either. When one [i.e., the bully] is "hung by his own petard" through some boomerang effect of aggression, who is to blame? 

Please think about this...

Bottom line: Bullying damages the brain

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

So I have 'this' to say about 'that'


Denial creeps cautiously

Into our brain:

It translates our fears; thus,

  Dulls the raw pain...

It summons sweet sunbeams;

It silences rain;

Reality takes license:

   The truth must be feigned...

Denial can quell the

Dimmest of noons;

It spreads saccharined solace

  On unprocessed wounds...

It keeps flimsy bandages

Thick, strong and tight;

Advising our tough-times,

   Farewell and good-night !!

poem written by L.P.-G. / 7-2024

Friday, June 28, 2024

Certain sun-signs can breathe a gentle sigh of relief...

                                                  now that it's passed !!


Something seemed 'off' in

Our grand paradise,

Days 'round the

Solstice of June...

The clouds rained disharmony;

Rivers ran rapids;

No robins sang sweet

Claire de Lune...

Some stars glimmered darkly;

Black holes ached to swallow

Thick plasma with one

Giant spoon...

Yet, 'someone' was smiling

As torrents unfolded:

A big, brazen

Strawberry moon !!!

Some astrologists had warned that 'the chaos card will come calling' with the strawberry moon positioned in the domain of Capricorn on 6-21-2024: "People will feel uneasy and perturbed as the diligent, task-master 'Capricorn' demands us to be ultra-conscientious, hard-working and super-focused. Nonetheless, remnants of the winter solstice stubbornly remain and still tempt us to rest and reflect."

poem at top by L.P.-G. / 6-2024

Sunday, June 23, 2024



Though tomorrow [6-24-2024] is the actual day...

Cancer is the moodiest of the zodiac signs, thanks to the influence of the Moon; i.e., they feel everything very, very deeply. Cancers are very proud of their children and see them as an extension of themselves. Cancers are excellent providers and conscientious workers. Also, they work best when left on their own without being 'micro-managed'. 

Friday, June 14, 2024



Oh June!

You cradle the sun

In a pure golden cup;

And, the moon in

A silvery bag...

You never conceal

Your warmth or your splendor;

A most welcome guest:

You're a major contender!

We are shaped and [yes!] fashioned

By the months that we love:

I cherish your beauty

And the blue skies above...