Monday, August 8, 2022

ALWAYS SEEK THE REAL TRUTH...even if it makes you unpopular


It was the day before Pope JPII finally succumbed in April of 2005 that Pope Benedict was speaking to a crowd gathered in a Gothic convent in the mountains outside Rome. It was a dialogue that echoed a common argument of his: i.e., excluding 'God' from the public conscience would have serious consequences and hurl us toward the edge of an abyss. Yet, why did he callously overlook how the crusades had summoned this higher power just prior to extensive slaughter, or how Joshua (for his own gain) invoked Yahweh to help him bring down the walled city of Jericho? And then there's this unfortunate truism: "Even the devil can cite scripture for his own agenda".

Several months earlier, on December 26th of 2004, a massive tsunami had devoured thousands of innocent people after two giant tectonic plates slid past one other near the western coast of Sumatra. So just how did people unwilling (or unable) to let go of their "faith" reconcile their belief(s) to this watery tragedy of biblical proportions? [Blind faith ???]

Buddhists: "It's karma; we must generate lots of good merit to ensure it doesn't happen again".

Hindus: "We must cool the anger of the local deity through acts of propitiation."

Muslims: "God is testing us to see how strong our belief in him is".

Christians: "Job had to live through tragedy and so did Christ on the cross".

For  others, the only way to go about obtaining the factual truth is to take a rigorous academic approach. Indeed, every one of the world's 'great  faiths' has been corrupted by those either seeking power or with an intent to promote their own culture/agenda.  IMO: That is why we must strive to have separation of church and state...

Friday, July 29, 2022



The scenes of month seven

Are utter delight,

As twelve pumped-up  fireflies

Vanquish the night

Eschewing the bee-dance

Of tight figure-eights;

Most soar haphazardly,

Seeking out mates...

Some amble eastward

While others turn west;

Yet, keeping them playful

Supplies summer-zest ! !

poem by L.P.-G./ July 2022

Tuesday, July 12, 2022



... yet then consider what makes up a galaxy: scores of planets, stars etc. !!

"On Tuesday morning, NASA rolled out a series of images that showed the capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope, the largest and most powerful space observatory ever built".

So, who still thinks that we're the only "human beings" out there?

On the other hand: "The 'rare Earth' hypothesis expresses the idea that Earth-like planets genuinely suitable for intelligent life are few and far between". 

'Food for Thought' would truly be an under-statement !

Quis hic locus,

Quae regio,

Quae mundi plaga? 

Friday, June 24, 2022


            6-24-2022: Happy B'day, Son !

           Our 'Cancer-crab'

Deserves a quip;

{We'll launch one

Not so 'flirty'}

The lunar tides

Are curling high:

"Oh Ryan, you've

 Turned 30 !!!!"

... and many, many happy returns

Wednesday, June 22, 2022



A cardinal preens in

The light water-spray;

Two hummingbirds join him,

 And shortly, one jay...

The sun rests on rubies,

Turning mauve-like, then gray...

Bats fly in stealth-mode

Before the dawn's fray. 

Savannah smiles down at

The frolicking gator;

A Midsummer Dream beckons

[ Just one day later! ]

L.P.-G. / 6-2022