Thursday, December 29, 2016


So what might we say
Of this year almost spent?
In the wake of past promises,
Burdened and bent.

Great truth bore injustice,
Gentle souls sought their armor;
While pundits parsed pardons,
Toasting tea-party clamor.

As despots and allies
Collided, mid-air;
Their dangerous discourse
Seemed too much to bear.

Yet, binary schisms not
Only bring sorrow;
But a lonelier discord,
Insipid and borrowed.

May the cosmos forgive us,
This assault on our senses;
One of epic proportions:
For it razed moral fences.

May the [good]force be with us all, come 2017.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


This is 12-7-2016!

Who wants "old news"?
Happy Birthday,
Robbie Grenn!!

...and many more!

Your family
Perhaps age 5?

Thursday, December 1, 2016

HE TELLS US SUCH LIES... more than "sweet little" lies...

"We all know a narcissist or two — the often-annoying colleagues, friends, and family members who seem to be constantly talking about themselves and touting their own achievements. Yet, in some ways, these characters are a paradox. They seem to be in love with themselves — but their behavior poses an obvious question: If you were genuinely happy with yourself, why would you feel the need to constantly boast and seek admiration from others?"
Indeed, their need for self-adulation appears as a bottomless pit!
Case in point: the exaggerated Carrier claims made by The Donald... what he states is not the whole truth.

"A new study in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience potentially solves the mystery: Narcissists may talk and act confident, but their brains don’t lie. At a neural level, narcissists are needy".

VERY NEEDY!!!!!!!!
You truly refuse to face's far too threatening!
Moreover, it would deprive you of your requisite 