Thursday, April 21, 2016



I was working part time 
in a five-and-dime

My boss was Mr. McGee…

He told me several times that 
he didn't like my 'kind'

'Cause I was a bit too leisurely…

Seems that I was busy doing something close to nothing,
But different than the day before;
That's when I saw her, ooh, I saw her
She walked in through the 'out door', out door…
                  She wore a

 Raspberry beret,

The kind you find in a 

second hand store;

Raspberry beret,
And if it was warm she 
wouldn't wear much more…

Raspberry beret

I think I love her…

Built like she was,
She had the nerve to ask me
If I planned to do her any harm;
So, look here
I put her on the back of my bike


And we went riding

Down by old man Johnson's farm…

I said now, overcast days never turned me on,

But something about the clouds 

and her "mixed"

She wasn't too bright
But I could tell when she kissed me
She knew how to get her kicks…

She wore a

Raspberry beret,

The kind you find in a second 

hand store;

Raspberry beret,
And if it was warm she
wouldn't wear much more;

Raspberry beret,

(I think I love her)

The rain sounds so cool 

when it hits the barn roof…

And the horses wonder who you are;

Thunder drowns out what the 

lightning sees...

… You feel like a movie star


They say the first time ain't the 


But I tell ya,

If I had the chance to do it all again

I wouldn't change a stroke,

'Cause baby I'm the most
With a girl as fine as she was then…


The kind you find (The kind you find)

The kind you find (In a second hand 


Oh no, no,

(Raspberry beret)

(And if it was warm)…

Where have all the
raspberry women gone?

Yeah (Raspberry beret)

I think I, I think I, I think I love her…

Tell me,
Where have all the raspberry women gone? (And if it was warm she)
(Wouldn't wear much more)
(Raspberry beret)...

R.I.P., musical genius.

No one's talent should be wasted by drugs...never!!!

Friday, April 15, 2016


The acid commentary of the late Mr. Hitchens…

CAUSTIC, CAUTIONARY, and considered by some to occasionally
wax ever so 'CALLOUSLY'...

but in the end
( I also believe )


When you hear people demanding that the Ten Commandments be displayed in courtrooms and schoolrooms, always be sure to ask which set. It works every time.
Christopher Hitchens

The acid commentary of the late Mr. Hitchens…
Perfectly Piquant!!

Thursday, March 24, 2016


 Pilate's Prickly Predicament

…"But you have a custom that I release someone for you at the Passover... Do you wish then that I release for you the King of the Jews?" 40 So they* cried out again, saying, "Not this Man, but Barabbas." [Now, Barabbas was an insurrectionist].

Today, "they" are the pinheads supporting Trump, King of the Narcissists...

Listen to their brain-dead tongues shouting, "Bring us Barabbas (i.e., Trump)!!  He's our man!!"

But, of course, he LOVES being Barabbas [Hitler, too]; he'd tell us to just deal with it!

The wonder of Good Friday is that the victor lies vanquished by the vanquished one. We have to look deeper into the very heart and essence of things before we can see how real the victory is that thus hides itself under the guise of defeat.
·         . Phillips Brooks

You don't have to believe in Christianity to identify evil, correct?

Trump should put a photo up of Malaria's face while she grunting during her daily dump. Everyone can take an unflattering picture.

Monday, March 21, 2016


“Trump seems to know he’s a loser. His embarrassing insecurities are on parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, and flagrant narcissism.”

“Many of history’s worst authoritarians started out as losers – and Trump is a serious threat. The way I see it, it’s our job to make sure he ends this campaign every bit the loser that he started it,” [Elizabeth] Warren concluded.