Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Memory of My Father
 by Patrick Kavanagh

Every old man I see

Reminds me of my father
When he had fallen in love with death
One time when sheaves were gathered.
That man I saw in Gardner Street
Stumbled on the curb was one;
He stared at me half-eyed,
I might have been his son.
And I remember the musician
Faltering over his fiddle
In Bayswater, London,
He too sent me the riddle.
Every old man I see
In October-coloured weather
Seems to say to me:

"I was once your father."

Talking To My Father Whose Ashes Sit  In A Closet And Listen
by Lisa Zaran

Death is not the final word.
Without ears, my father still listens,
still shrugs his shoulders
whenever I ask a question he doesn't want to answer.

I stand at the closet door, my hand on the knob,
my hip leaning against the frame and ask him
what does he think about the war in Iraq
and how does he feel about his oldest daughter
getting married to a man she met on the Internet.

Without eyes, my father still looks around.
He sees what I am trying to do, sees that I
have grown less passive with his passing,
understands my need for answers only he can provide.

I imagine him drawing a breath, sensing
his lungs once again filling with air, his thoughts ballooning.

Originally published in The Rose & Thorn, Summer 2004.
Copyright © Lisa Zaran, 2004

  Elegy For My Father 
by Annie Finch

HLF, August 8, 1918—August 22, 1997

“Bequeath us to no earthly shore until
Is answered in the vortex of our grave
The seal’s wide spindrift gaze towards paradise.”
—Hart Crane, “Voyages”

“If a lion could talk, we couldn’t understand it”
—Ludwig Wittgenstein

Under the ocean that stretches out wordlessly
past the long edge of the last human shore,
there are deep windows the waves haven't opened,
where night is reflected through decades of glass.
There is the nursery, there is the nanny,
there are my father’s unreachable eyes
turned towards the window. Is the child uneasy?
His is the death that is circling the stars.

and peace pours at last through the cells of our bodies,
three of us are watching, one of us is staring
with the wide gaze of a wild, wave-fed seal.
Incense and sage speak in smoke loud as waves,
and crickets sing sand towards the edge of the hourglass.
We wait outside time, while night collects courage
around us. The vigil is wordless. And you
watch the longest, move the farthest, besieged by your breath,
pulling into your body. You stare towards your death,
head arched on the pillow, your left fingers curled.
Your mouth sucking gently, unmoved by these hours
and their vigil of salt spray, you show us how far
you are going, and how long the long minutes are,
while spiraling night watches over the room
and takes you, until you watch us in turn.

Here is release. Here is your pillow,
cool like a handkerchief pressed in a pocket.
Here is your white tousled long growing hair.
Here is a kiss on your temple to hold you
safe through your solitude’s long steady war;
here, you can go. We will stay with you,
keeping the silence we all came here for.

Night, take his left hand, turning the pages.
Spin with the windows and doors that he mended.
Spin with his answers, patient, impatient.
Spin with his dry independence, his arms
warmed by the needs of his family, his hands
flying under the wide, carved gold ring, and the pages
flying so his thought could fly. His breath slows,
lending its edges out to the night.

Here is his open mouth. Silence is here

like one more new question that he will not answer. 
A leaf is his temple. The dark is the prayer.
He has given his body; his hand lies above
the sheets in a symbol of wholeness, a curve
of thumb and forefinger, ringed with wide gold, 
and the instant that empties his breath is a flame 
faced with a sudden cathedral's new stone.

In quiet memory of R.G.Porter  5-1-1929 ----7-24-2009

Saturday, June 29, 2013



"Creativity is that marvelous capacity to grasp mutually distinct realities and draw a spark from their juxtaposition”
 - Max Ernst

… Swan song ?

“I spoke fire, laughed smoke, and madness spilled forth from my inspiration.” 

Arthur Holitscher

          “The imaginary is what tends to become real.” 
                                    ― André Breton


Monday, June 24, 2013

6-24-2013: HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY, CRAB-CAKES !!

Happy birthday to 2nd born son;

Just can’t believe he’s turned 21!!

Yes, it’s surreal!!!

To our Ryan Christopher… XOXOX, MOM and DAD

(P.S.  From my own perspective, happiness is when the man behind the ice cream counter still remembers you from your teenage days 40 years ago!)


Of course, it’s clearly obvious there were plenty of the ‘above variety’ in the season finale of MadMen, but I’m referring to the kind that ‘Jenny’ firmly threw. Watching that segment of Forest Gump always makes me think that the rocks could somehow expunge the deleterious memories that remained of her far too tumultuous childhood.


Pundits and critics had been opining that Draper’s ongoing escapades were making him grow rather unlikeable and the repetitious “bad boy” behavior was finally taking its toll on a few fans (present company excluded). That said, I dare say that last night’s finale has cast him in a different light; i.e., one showing the potential of introspection despite the heavy undertones of phallic narcissism [for the latter definition read Alexander Lowen, please!] his character exudes like carbon dioxide. Yes, I actually felt quite sorry for him!!


It’s also been stated by many a religious zealot that concupiscence is the root of all evil … a “FALL FROM GRACE” if you will. All the same, this AMC series abounds with such strong desires, whether it be for power, money or sins of the flesh. Just about every character takes his/her turn at it [except for Trudy Campbell!].



On the other hand, a s***** childhood leaves deep emotional voids and festering wounds. Go ahead; throw those rocks, Dick Whitman!!


Well, adieu to season 6. Can’t wait for season 7 in 2014! Keep up the great work you writers, producers, directors, etc. And to the creator of it all, it appears you’ve got a b’day coming up, so Happy Birthday, as well!!

P.S. I got a kick out of “Miss Porter’s”

Looking forward to a freshly creative season 7….
Sincerely, Lisa Porter-Grenn

Sunday, June 16, 2013