Friday, January 24, 2025

"MY ICE" has nothing to do with deportation


Ice amply coats

My thin window panes,

From outside the walls

To  'within'

Encrusted white squares,

Beguile with a stare;

A few of them cracking

Cold grins!

I love older homes

[When the weather behaves]

  But not on days mercury quivers...

My last heating bill,

Brought on shock and dismay,

So guess I'll just have to

Bear shivers !!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


                                      The 'Peter Principle', and expect it to manifest itself in the next 4 years...

                                           It would also help explain why so many individuals who display abrasiveness, thoughtlessness, and interpersonal ineptitude rise to positions of power in numerous organizations, including our own

government (e.g., cabinet positions,  current presidency, etc.)

Thursday, January 9, 2025


...impossible to remove

This year began grimly;

Winter steadied its fortress;

Thick daggers of ice

 Plied the seams off our porches...

Encrusted warm-thermals,

Aloft from this sphere,

Extinguished past rainbows,

 Then dropped them like tears...

Faint trickling sounds

On the pavement below

Quite softly, and slowly,

 Spread dollops of snow...

In three months, Earth's breath

Will launch fine, pollen wings:

Proud palette; so pungent!

That first whiff of Spring!!!

poem by L.P.-G. / 1-2025

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

FULL OF GRACE, just as the poem says:


Tuesday's Child

Today is your birthday,

And some years ago,

We welcomed pure sweetness

"Tied up in a bow"...

The days have since followed:

You've grown kind and strong;

With four kids of your own now,

To help sing this song:

Happy Birthday To You,

Happy Birthday To You,

Happy Birthday Dear Lara [Mommy],

Happy Birthday To You !!

... And last, but not least, I never forget that my daughter-in law's b'day is just before my own daughter's...

Friday, January 3, 2025

IT'S 1-3-2025, AND WE NEED TO KNOW...




Happy Birthday to our 'Jude Bear'


Grandma and Grandpa