Thursday, May 30, 2024

BTW, if you don't already know it:


Thank you, Alvin Bragg !!!


      Bar him from the White House,

Wring him like a rag;

Throw him in the pokey:

[Felon] Trump is soooooooo BAD!!!

Saturday, May 11, 2024




Yet it appears that some so-called 'religious folk' will do anything in the service of their "one true faith". This includes twisting the truth...


The largely Evangelical and conservative Catholic 'Trump worshipers' prostrate themselves before their fake-tan idol. With all of the facts confirming that Trump is a pathological liar, malignant narcissist, bully, tax cheat, adulterer, sexual predator, con man, and sadist, all these worshipers REALLY care about is themselves. I hear them gleefully state, "Under Trump, I'll make more money!"

 Is this truly the greater good???

Thursday, May 9, 2024

ORANGE You Glad She Said It?


It's a color

Not quite 'primary'

From mixing

Yellow and red...

It's a shade of

Autumn sunsets;

Yet, something we

Should dread...

It matches a

'Certain someone';

A creep of

Nasty Words...

Have you guessed it?

'Cuz you know him!

He's the King of

Big orange turds...

If the shoe commode-contents fit, wear it !!

Dump Rick Scott, as well. He's a crooked asshole.