Monday, March 25, 2024

'Bout Last Week

           I can't remember back

That far

To Spring 'real nice'

   In March...           

 Most of the time

March-days unfold

As dismal,

Damp, and stark.

The southern climes

Are better set

To charm us

  With their blooms...

While we,

'Quite north',

Still wear

Our coats and curse

The nippy gloom !!

poem by L.P.-G./2024

However, there IS a bright light today: Happy Birthday, Dr. Kaitlyn !!


Friday, March 1, 2024

March 1st: Baaa! not Roar !!


March 1st: Baaa! not Roar !! 

I did not hear

A lion's roar

When opening wide

  My foyer door...


March crept in

On lamb feet,


Sooo...will March's

Last Day

Bring peace, or riot??