Friday, April 28, 2023

SWEET DUCKY DARLINGS (spied just this very morning!)


Bright molten green

Drips down toward his wing,

His fine lady plainly stays dappled;

An impromptu discourse

Adorns my damp yard;

 Whilst wobbling webbed feet

Appear shackled...

He eyes her small speckles

Of soft, winsome brown,

Melded 'round pin-tips of gray;

The rain glistens down,

And stirs up sweet sounds,

As those two

   Look forward to May !

poem by L.P.-G / copyright April 2023

Saturday, April 8, 2023



Our ancestors yearned to be birds;

They longed to fly, much

Like chariots in the sky.

Night-flights, Ascensions,


And Resurrections

Are at the very root

   Of that ardent aspiration...

Many envy the

"Spring in One's Step",

That which allows the wearer

Magical powers;

(An 'edge', if you will ) ...

Yet, what say Ockham's razor

To such fanciful thinking ?

Horses can't fly; ordinary persons

Don't glide on thermal plains...

If looking dubiously on

Grand-scale levitation, know that

Independent corroboration

Has its place; Chariots in the

    Sky are the essence of fables.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Dear Mr. Magnusen, I couldn't agree more!


How will America truly achieve greatness if Trump sets us upon each other like 'thieves'? This is NOT the way of [the historical] Christ, but an outright rejection of his message. American greatness ought to be defined by virtue, wisdom, and humble service to others.                      

     America’s greatness is NOT, and never has been, defined by power and wealth. If we choose Trump, we are crying out “Barabbas!” And like the crowd at Jesus’ trial, our souls will break when we call his name.


The above dialogue is an excerpt from an article authored by Steven Magnusen. Mr. Magnusen holds a master of arts degree in historical and systematic theology from the Catholic University of America.