Saturday, March 25, 2023

Still Under 30 !


Dr. Kaitlyn,                


Tuesday, March 21, 2023



This third month gusts,

And all seems mad;

 Impatient as we are...

Did we forget?

It's always marked

The seal of winter's scar?

I loathe the panting

Trenchant wind;

It ebbs and crests

All night.

We'll greet dear April

Soon enough;

Yet, she's not

Always bright!

poem by L.P.-G./ 3/2023

Friday, March 3, 2023

As I Looked North One March


Three  resplendent  robins

Sat on my

Neighbor's lawn.

The time was

Half-past noon-day sun

(A good while after dawn).

They scurried up to branches

And danced around with glee,

I swore I spied a secret smile

That swirled about that tree.

One of them alighted

And motioned to the rest,

"Spring's around the corner, boys...

Get going !  Go get dressed ! "


Their cries alerted groundhogs,

And one peered 'neath

My deck...

There was no sign

Of Spring in 'there';

It muttered,

"What the heck? ! ?"

A grey squirrel

Scales my silver pine,

Two black cats saunter by...

I heard a whisper in the wind:

Spring tiptoes in the sky...

poem written by L.P.-Grenn

copyright March 2023


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

MARCH: from mousy to "BEWARE!"


The mousy month of

March (today)

Came waltzing to

My door...

I checked the bolts

And they were slack;

This chilled me

To my core...

In two scant weeks

The Ides descend

  As senates settle scores ...

A dagger was drawn

44 BC

And Caesar was



poem by L.P.-G. / 3/2023