Thursday, December 22, 2022

THE CENTAUR SEGUES... and parting is sweet sorrow


Oh! Exit jolly Jupiter!

 Now Saturn rules the stage;

The gloomy goat

Has crossed the moat;

  The heavens turned their page...


'Jesus was a Capricorn',

 [Such has thus been told];

The longest night

Was yesterday;

  Today is just as cold...

                -poem by L.P.-G.

Epilogue: The sun transits into Capricorn right about now [12/22] and Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn:

FACT: The planetary body of Saturn is purportedly a stern master of karma and, as the twinkling stars high above can tell you, enforcing karma is one of its consigned roles!

And...when Saturn conjuncts the moon between any two people, things can get a bit dicey: i.e., you see, Saturn is the one in charge of the karmic lesson (which the moon resents!).

Wednesday, December 7, 2022



You'll always be the baby of the family no matter how old you become !!!

We hope tonight's dinner celebration gives

you many happy memories!


                December of '93 is just a blurry memory...