Sunday, April 10, 2022


"As he rode into the city on a donkey, his followers spread palm branches at his feet and called him 'Hosanna' or 'savior'."

/ˈpä(l)mē/    adjective

However, the word 'palmy' doesn't always relate to palm trees. For example [ #1]:


1.  (especially of a previous period of time) flourishing or successful.

"The palmy days of the 1970s"

Now, as far as what would soon follow Palm Sunday, one might invoke the word 'tenebrous' ...




adjective: dark, shadowy, or obscure 


Why did the Russians say, "Bring us Barabbus?"

How Hell awaits !

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Monday, April 4, 2022

The Cruelest Month: Redux


A Simple Question for April...

Where is your sense of disgrace today


As the sleet blankets gravel and roof tops ?


There's frost connecting my flower beds


As well as the blossoming snowdrops...

I would have thought much better of you


Had you altered this wicked detraction;


Perhaps there's no hope for this 'cruelest of months'


And, hence, no kind-hearted redaction!!!

poem by L.P.-G. / April 4, 2022

" April is the cruelest month"


 Redux upon Redux (sigh...)


There's snow on my magnolia tree;

The daffodils have drooped;

No cherry blossoms smile at me,

And all of Spring

Seems stooped ...

They say of April,

"She's so cruel ! ... No

Saint among our year!"

To April's snowy mess outside:

" Melt fast and disappear !!"

written by L.P.-G.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Suffering 'Gladly' Today: The April Fool


How shines The Fool

On a day like today!

Are there pranks 'pending'?

Bluffs yet to play ?

A fool's not a halfwit,

But simply a jester;

In terms of deception,

He's one smart investor !

                                                          poem by L.P.-G.  4/2022