The Roman Catholic religion has its panoply of dogmas,
and that of transubstantiation [a.k.a. the Mystery of the Eucharist] could be considered downright
delusional once you know the factual history...
So here's what a Ph.D. expert reveals:
"It is the very heart of Romanism and the key to the so-called
'sacrifice of the mass'. Transubstantiation
is Rome's most lucrative, most powerful and most fixed dogma. Certainly it is her most
effective ‘control device’ for the perpetuation of her gigantic corporation,
whose existence is maintained by sacraments administered by a supposedly divinely empowered priesthood".
The doctrine of transubstantiation does NOT date back to the Last
Supper as believed by many. It was a disputed topic for many centuries prior to
officially becoming an 'article of faith', which now means that it is essential
to salvation according to the Roman Catholic Church. The idea of a corporal
presence was vaguely held by some, such as Ambrose, but it was not until 831
A.D. that Benedictine monk Paschasius Radbertus, published a treatise openly
advocating the doctrine of transubstantiation. Even then, for almost another 400
years, theological 'war' was waged over this teaching. It wasn't until the
Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 A.D. where it was officially defined and canonized
as a dogma.

"Like many of the beliefs and rites of Romanism,
transubstantiation was first practiced by pagan religions. The noted historian
Durant said that belief in transubstantiation as practiced by the priests of
the Roman Catholic system is 'one of the oldest ceremonies of primitive
religion'. In fact,
the syncretism and mysticism of the Middle East were major factors in
influencing the West, particularly Italy. In Egypt, priests would consecrate
mesa cakes which were supposed to become the flesh of Osiris. The idea of transubstantiation
was also characteristic of the religion of Mithra whose sacraments of cakes and
Haoma drink closely parallel
the Catholic Eucharistic rite. The idea of eating the flesh of a deity was also
very popular among the people of Mexico and Central America long before they
ever heard of Christ; and when Spanish missionaries first landed in those
countries 'their surprise was heightened' when they witnessed a religious rite
which reminded them of image made of actual flour. After
consecration by [indigenous] priests, it was then distributed among the people
who ate it...declaring it was
the flesh of a deity..."

FACT: The Christian Church, for
the first three hundred years, remained relatively pure and faithful to the 'Word
of God', but after the so-called 'conversion' of Emperor Constantine, who for purely
political expedience declared Christianity the state religion, thousands
of pagans were admitted to the church by ‘baptism alone’ (i.e., without true
conversion). In addition, they brought with them many pagan rites which they
boldly introduced into the church, as well; yet, they did so using Christian
terminology, therefore ultimately corrupting the original faith. Even the noted
Catholic prelate and theologian, Cardinal Newman, tells us that Constantine
introduced many things of pagan origin: "We are told in various ways by
Eusebius, that Constantine, in order to recommend the new religion to the
heathen, transferred into it the outward ornaments to which they had been already
accustomed in their very own...The use of
temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions
with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on
recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holy days and seasons, use of
calendars, processions, blessings on fields, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure,
the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images at a later date, perhaps the
ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison, are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the
Church." This unholy alliance
also allowed the continuance of the pagan custom of eating and drinking the
literal flesh and literal blood of their god... and this is [in reality] how
transubstantiation, in due course, finally entered into the professing church.

"Christians who correctly
interpret the Word of God, see without any difficulty whatsoever, that our
Lord's reference to His body and blood was symbolic. When Jesus spoke of
Himself as being the bread, He was not teaching the fictitious transubstantiation
of the Papal church. It is preposterous to hold that the Son of God turned a
piece of bread into Himself. When Jesus said "this is my body" or
"this is my blood", He did not materially transform the substance,
but was explaining that He is the one "represented" by the Passover
bread and wine. Jesus did not say touto gignetai, i.e., this has 'become' or is ‘turned into’, but touto esti,
which can only mean ‘this represents, or stands for’. It is perfectly
clear in the Gospels that Christ spoke in genuinely allegorical terms, figuratively
referring to Himself as "the door," "the vine'', "the
light," "the root," "the rock," "the bright and
morning star." In Luke 22:22, Jesus said, "This cup is the new
covenant in my blood." In First Corinthians 11:25, 26, He said, 'This is
the new covenant in my blood...For as oft' as ye eat this bread, and drink the
cup, ye proclaim the Lord's death till he come.' In these words He used a double
figure of speech...The cup was not literally the new covenant, although it is
declared to be so as definitely as
the bread is declared to be His body. They did not literally drink the cup, nor
did they literally 'drink' the new covenant...Nor was the bread literally His
body, or the wine literally His blood. After giving the wine to the disciples
Jesus said, 'I shall not drink from henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until
the kingdom of God shall come' (Luke 22:18). So the wine, even as He gave it to
them, and after He had given it to them, remained 'the fruit of the vine'! Paul,
too, says that the bread remains bread;...'but let each man prove himself, and
so let him eat of the bread, and drink of the cup' (First Corinthians 11:28). No change had taken
place in the element. This was after the prayer of consecration, when the
Church of Rome supposes the change took place, and Jesus and Paul both declare
that the elements still are
bread and wine."

"When Europe was
electrified by the eloquent preaching of the sixteenth century Reformation, the
Roman Catholic hierarchy gathered her ablest theologians who worked for three
decades in the preparation of a statement of faith concerning transubstantiation. This document
remains, to this day, the standard of Catholic doctrine. As the Second Vatican
Council commenced, Pope John XXIII declared, "I do accept entirely all
that has been decided and declared at the Council of Trent." What, then,
did the Council of Trent decide and declare? "
I: "If any one shall deny that the body and blood, together with
the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore the entire
Christ, are truly, really, and substantially contained in the sacrament of the
most holy Eucharist; and shall say that He is only in it as a sign, or in a
figure, or virtually, — let him be accursed."
Canon II: "If any one shall say
that the substance of the bread and wine remains in the sacrament of the most
holy Eucharist, together with the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
shall deny that wonderful and singular conversion of the whole substance
of the bread into the body, and of the whole substance of the wine into the
blood, the outward forms of the bread and wine still remaining, which
conversion the Catholic church most aptly calls transubstantiation, — let him
be accursed."
Canon III: "If any one shall deny,
that in the venerated sacrament of the Eucharist, entire Christ is contained in
each kind, and in each several particle of either kind when separated, — let
him be accursed."
Canon IV: "If any one shall say
that, after consecration, the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is only
in the wonderful sacrament of the Eucharist in use whilst it is taken, and not
either before or after, and that the true body of the Lord does not remain in
the hosts or particles which have been consecrated, and which are reserved, or
remain after the communion, — let him be accursed."
Canon V: "If any one says that the
principal fruit of the most holy Eucharist is the remission of sins or that
other effects do not result from it, — let him be accursed."
Canon VI: "If any one shall say
that Christ, the only begotten Son of God, is not to be adored in the holy
sacrament of the Eucharist, even with the open worship of latria, and
therefore not to be venerated with any peculiar festal celebrity, nor to be
solemnly carried about in processions according to the praiseworthy and
universal rites and customs of the holy Church, and that He is not to be
publicly set before the people to be adored, and that His adorers are
idolaters, — let him be accursed."
Vatican II began in 1962 and ended
in 1965. Some two thousand, five hundred bishops, and each with his committee
of theologians, worked the greater part of four years, and spent between forty
and sixty million dollars. Dozens of resolutions, called "Schemae,"
were passed, hundreds of similar ones were rejected, and thousands were
proposed, most of which were reported in newspapers around the world. At the
third session, the Council produced Sacrosanctum Concilium (The Holy
Liturgy). One of its articles entitled "The Mystery of the Eucharist''
completely reaffirmed its belief and practice in the material changing of the
bread and wine at the mass into the very body and blood, soul and divinity of
Jesus Christ. It was not long thereafter that Pope Paul VI issued an
encyclical, Mysterium Fidei, which reads in part: "During the
Second Vatican Council the Church has made a new and most solemn profession of
her faith in and worship of this mystery...For if the sacred liturgy holds the
first place in the life of the Church, the mystery of the Eucharist stands as
the heart and center...Those who partake of this sacrament in Holy Communion
eat the Flesh of Christ and drink the Blood of Christ, receiving both grace,
the beginning of eternal life, and the 'medicine of immortality,'... Indeed, we
are aware of the fact that, among those who deal with this Most Holy Mystery in
written or spoken word, there are some who...spread abroad such opinions as
disturb the faithful and fill their minds with no little confusion about
matters of faith as if everyone were permitted to consign to oblivion doctrine
already defined by the Church, or to interpret it in such a way as to weaken the
genuine meaning of the words or the approved import of the concepts
involved...the spread of these and similar opinions does great harm to the
faith and devotion to the Divine Eucharist... we cannot approve the opinions
which they express...We must therefore approach this mystery especially with
humble obedience, not following human
arguments, which ought to be silent...

Vatican continues...
Catholic Church has always offered and still offers the cult of latria
to the Sacrament of the Eucharist...We therefore beseech you, venerable
brothers...Tirelessly promote the cult of the Eucharist.
"May the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, from whom Christ Our Lord took the
flesh which under the appearances of bread and wine 'is contained, offered, and
received in this Sacrament,' and all the saints of God, especially those who
had a more ardent devotion to the Divine Eucharist, intercede with the Father
of mercies so that from this same faith in, and devotion to the Eucharist, may
come forth and flourish a perfect unity among all who bear the name
Christian." Thus Pope Paul VI reaffirmed his loyalty to those canons of Trent,
the latter of which exhorted curses for those who deny them. Every Roman
Catholic, under pain of mortal sin and excommunication is obliged to render
religious worship to the host.
does not appear to be an enormous jump to "accept as true" the preposterous
tenets advanced by Q-anon, does it? Asking others to believe in the 'improbable'
is not without consequence...