I Mean
Really; Let's Be Honest Here...
[ i.e., Rubio
jokes that Trump may have wet his pants during the last debate ].
You can deny it all
you want...
Rubio Suggests Trump Wet His Pants On Debate Stage:
"The Florida senator,
clearly buoyed by knocking
Trump off balance, repeatedly called the billionaire
businessman a “con artist” on Friday: first on the
morning shows and then at a Dallas rally, where he
had the crowd chuckling over his latest barbs".
Trump off balance, repeatedly called the billionaire
businessman a “con artist” on Friday: first on the
morning shows and then at a Dallas rally, where he
had the crowd chuckling over his latest barbs".

Piss-pants Trump is not presidential material... no
way in hell!! He's an embarrassment to
himself [and to his family, too, but the kids want to stay in his will, so they
keep their traps shut!!!]
Trump additionally told
me that he finds it easy to cut off those who displease him and that none of
those who are banished ever return. Given this stand, it may seem strange that
Trump welcomed Stone back into his political circle prior to announcing his
candidacy for the GOP nomination. The reunion was short-lived, however, as the
Trump campaign fired Stone in August with an announcement that said he was promoting himself too much. However,
Stone insists he resigned before he was fired and he has continued to
stump for Trump in the media. He is, much like The Donald, a true descendant of
the McCarthy/Cohn line and perhaps as impossible to fully disown as a member of
the family.
Still not convinced...read on
Judy believes MCD was not of sound mind when he made the changes ... because as early as December 2011, the actor was not himself, slurring words and stumbling around. Judy says her suspicions about Omarosa intensified when MCD was hospitalized following his heart attack ... telling us Omarosa was fixated on MCD's money when he was on life support. Another thorn in Judy's side ... Omarosa has already sold a bunch of MCD's personal effects (watches, cars, his "Green Mile" director's chair, awards, etc.). Judy says Omarosa sold her late brother's personal stuff without the family's knowledge ... and she's p****d.
If you're not turned off yet, please read this
frightening piece I came across:
Mentored In The Evil Art Of Manipulation, Donald Trump
Learned From The Ultimate Master : Roy
Sen. Joseph McCarthy was such an effective tormentor of the
innocent that his name became synonymous with character assassination. In
today’s parlance, however, Roy Cohn might say that McCarthy suffered simply
because he refused to be politically correct.
Disgraced alongside his boss, Cohn departed Washington for his
hometown of New York City where he became the ultimate political fixer and a
terror in his own right. If you needed a favor, or wanted to hurt an enemy,
Cohn could do the job. He talked like a make-believe mobster and counted real
ones among his clients.
Having spent years under the shadow of ethics complaints, Roy
Cohn lost his license to practice law in 1986, just before he died of HIV/AIDS,
a diagnosis he vehemently denied. A gay Jewish man who spewed anti-Semitic,
homophobic and racist remarks, he was actually quite charming in his own way
and cultivated many friends. Among them were gossip columnists (like McCarthy,
Cohn sought them out) and two men he mentored in the art of manipulation: Roger Stone and Donald Trump.
When Trump was still in his 20s, he hired Cohn and began to
move in the very same social circles. Both were members of Le Club, a private hot spot where the rich and famous [and social climbers alike] could meet without suffering the presence of ordinary people.
Later, when Studio 54 served the glitter
and cocaine crowd, Cohn and Trump were there too. Cohn nurtured a style for
Trump that was one part friendly gossip and one part menace. Cohn looked and
sounded like someone who could hurt you if you crossed him. Trump purposely kept
a photo of the glowering Cohn so he could show it to those who might be chilled
by the idea that this man was his personal lawyer.
It was Cohn who introduced Trump to a young political operator
named Roger Stone in 1979. Stone had cut his teeth in the Nixon campaign of
1972 where he posed as a student socialist who donated to an opponent
and then made the contribution public. The fake
scandal helped scuttle antiwar congressman Rep. Pete McCloskey’s
presidential bid and ensured that Nixon was around to give America three more
years of a disastrous war and Watergate.
Brilliant and perpetually aggressive—“attack, attack, attack” is
his motto—Stone teamed up with Trump to create an ersatz presidential bid in 1987, and the two have been political partners ever since.
Like Cohn, Stone is a risk-taker. He and Trump got caught breaking campaign rules
as they fought the development of Indian casinos; state officials levied a
hefty fine. Stone counsels clients to constantly “Admit nothing, deny
everything, launch a counterattack.” He once told a reporter that it was his
practice to always, “Get even.” “When somebody screws you,” he added, “screw
‘em back—but a lot harder.”
Trump’s version of the Stone credo, as he told me, is to “hit
back 10 times harder” whenever he feels attacked. Like McCarthy and Cohn and
Stone, Trump loves to gossip and trade in information. He. too, cultivates an
air of menace to keep his opponents off-guard and he hates to ever apologize,
or back down. And, just like Cohn, he insists that the kind of talk his critics
consider offensive is really just the truth expressed without the social
amenities. This is an ingenious tactic for someone who wants to be free to say
almost anything, even if it’s insulting, and get away with it !
Much of what Trump says and does comes straight out of the
Cohn/Stone playbook, including his eagerness to make people both uncomfortable
and confused. As a campaign consultant, Stone advises candidates to open
multiple battlefronts, and as a source for reporters, he often mystifies anyone
who seeks to understand what he’s up to. For his part, Trump is a man prone to
outrageous statements that defy
fact-checking; our fascination with him surely stems, at least in part,
from the delightful challenge of trying to figure out when he’s serious and
when he’s putting us on.
The current state of the Stone-Trump relationship is puzzling
indeed. Stone has earned substantial sums for Trump and has always seemed to
lurk behind the scenes in his political life. However, his outrageousness can
seem like a liability and in 2008 Trump told Jeffrey Toobin of the New Yorker, “Roger is a stone-cold loser.” He also
complained that Stone “always tries taking credit for things he never did.”
MY NOTE: Is this not the pot calling the kettle black
The 'take away' here is that Trump will con you and con you
and then
con you some more...DON'T BE CONNED !
Still not convinced...read on
She heartily supports Trump and you know what they say about
"birds of a feather" !!
READ THIS: Michael Clarke Duncan [MCD] and
his family have questions
about Omarosa Manigault ... specifically, whether the late
actor's fiancée unduly influenced him into re-writing his will months before he
died and leaving almost everything to her. Judy Duncan, Michael's sister, said
that she's hired a lawyer to investigate the circumstances surrounding the
change to the actor's will in April 2012, making Omarosa the main
Judy believes MCD was not of sound mind when he made the changes ... because as early as December 2011, the actor was not himself, slurring words and stumbling around. Judy says her suspicions about Omarosa intensified when MCD was hospitalized following his heart attack ... telling us Omarosa was fixated on MCD's money when he was on life support. Another thorn in Judy's side ... Omarosa has already sold a bunch of MCD's personal effects (watches, cars, his "Green Mile" director's chair, awards, etc.). Judy says Omarosa sold her late brother's personal stuff without the family's knowledge ... and she's p****d.
I believe she's very adept at playing the
American people for suckers, as well. There's obviously something in it for
Now, will everyone please just
listening to
dishonest people!!!!
Honestly, the difference in brain-power and speaking talents
between Trump and Romney is gargantuan. I have to admit that Romney has now
earned his bone fides and truly appears 'presidential';* Trump lacks the requisite strength of character to be president.
PERIOD!!! I am also convinced he's bipolar the way he rambles on in such a
manic, disjointed, and discombobulated manner.
RX: Verbal dysentery; BiPD. Yikes!!!!
* P.S. Yes, I would vote
for him despite the fact that I tend to vote Democratic and voted twice for
..."For all the talk of 'populism',
one of the reasons that Trump’s campaign is such a hit with rage-fueled,
resentful and not (just a little) racist
white people, is that his nearly-iconic, wealthy, white privilege is actually 'aspirational'
to huge swaths of Americans".
"Trump’s sons are such
pitch-perfect preening preps that they read as unsubtle satire rather than
real people. Both of them are dead ringers for Christian Bale’s serial killer
character in 'American Psycho'. And while The Donald has
a certain comic timing that makes his prep school bully routine rather funny,
both of his sons are not so blessed, laying bare the grotesque soul-rot that
happens when mediocre white men have enough wealth and privilege that they’re
fooled into thinking they are actually something special".