Monday, September 2, 2024

By now, we've said:

             FAREWELL & BYE-BYE

                         TO THE 8TH MONTH 

   Don't tell me it's over,

Thick dew clutches clover;

      Cicadas still spook passersby...     

Pale oceans spill over

 Those white cliffs of Dover;

Bright monarchs

Fling mist toward

The sky...


Toss ashes about

The limed grasses;

Gray pigeons in eaves launch this coo:

 Adieu, sweetest August !

You're one in a million !

  Oh my, how we EVER loved you !!

  Come again soon !!!

    poem written by L.P.-Grenn / 8-2024

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Channeling Lewis Carroll, (perhaps ??)



  A pocket full of wry...

               -written by L.P.-G.

Wasps cannot

Craft noble jelly;

Pigs never graze

 Temperate skies...

Neither have I

Seen a cow

Shoot the moon,

But nursery rhymes

Still warm

  My eyes...

The butcher

(With baker),

And candlestick maker,

Had set out to prove

Tubs were sound:

Their luck faltered early,

They entered gates,'pearly';

'Tis rather a pity

They drowned!

Those three

Little kitties

Toured multiple cities

Before gulping down

Minced-mouse pie;

Three piglets, quite plump,

Gave 'wolfie' the dump;

 That bad boy waved houses


And gander (with gosling)

Enjoyed a good Riesling:

One that's

  Remarkably dry...

Yet, cats

Cannot strum

On a fiddle;

And Humpty's great

Fall was a bore;

The dish and the spoon

Staged their shoot-out

At noon;


Mother Goose is the

Gal we adore !!

poem by L.P.-G.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


                                                       He's Play-acting ??


Loutish, arrogant, revengeful  leadership can demoralize a country and should not be allowed to happen... Moreover, individuals who possess those characteristics should never, ever occupy the White House. Their erratic, vindictive, rancorous spirit acts to deplete the positive energy of those around them and the consequential 'spiritual exhaustion' that ensues affects multitudes in a very negative way. Manipulative leaders "play-act"; they are not authentic by any standard and frequently use religion as a pretext. 

        Please do not elect them to office!


Tuesday, August 13, 2024



Dance of the Damned

It's much like

A two-step;

[ This fact is

   quite plain ]...

For it seeks

Willing partners;

Thus, let me


Not 'much'

Would be added

To one's

Private gain,

If doing a salsa

Sans two

  Shifty brains...

Slick actors

Needs 'members',

Especially those


Their plan

To deceive

Is remarkably



Soon after

His 'grandeur'

Was fading to dusk;

Trump placed a

Brief call to

This cad, Elon Musk.


The latter

Cares nothing

For others (it's simple!);

He and D. Trump are

   The ass and its pimple...

Together they sway

To the beat of

Dark lucre;

Building their riches

  Brings bliss and vast succor.

Beware, should they ask,

"Will you join us in dance ?"

Sadly, such madness

Has ensnared

J. D. Vance !!!

Monday, August 12, 2024

On this very date of


August 12th, 2024

Our little Titian-blonde

Haired angel

Turns 1.5 years old!!